2012, 2013 and now here comes 2014!

2012 and ’13 was a more than a mere wonderful years in a row. Two terrific years that made me explore the world like never before, meet new people, settle problems on my own, conform with appalling circumstances in hand, understanding the people and their problems but most importantly knowing myself or say, identifying myself in this thicket of bewilderment and anxiety that has overshadowed my mind for so long. These two years is equally responsible for me to become not just a lady but a lady who no longer has to look around for her friends to accompany in undertaking something or anything. I learned the importance of individuality and self actualization. 2012 blessed me with old and new people in my life without whom I might not have come so far as I have right now. It exhibited to me the different kinds of person in this world: the nice one, the not so nice one and the neutral. 2012 taught me to become careful to whom I choose my friend as. 2013 was kind enough to allow me to make some weighty mistakes. Thankfully these faults didn’t cause any disastrous consequences! But I’m glad that I have learnt my lesson from those mistakes because a mistake you mind and take heed of is a mistake worth making at least for me. Plus 2013 provided me with so many inspirations, one greater than another. All I could wish in 2014 is a small but meaningful stride towards those of my amazing ideals. I want to stay up and write more but my eyelids are getting heavier every second.

 Good night friends and hope you all will wake up to a joyful beginning of 2014…

 Happy new year!